Customer testimonials

See what my clients have experienced through their mortgage journey.

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Congratulations on your new job with Atlantic Bay! They are blessed to have you on their team. -Brian
Recent Homebuyer
Thanks for the outstanding job you did on the closing! Billie
Recent Homebuyer
Just wanted to thank you (and again, and again)!! We love the house... inside and out! And thanks also for our "closing" gifts. How thoughtful…
Janalyn G.
Recent Homebuyer
Latisha was extremely personable and kind and always answered my calls. Every one.
Jill A.
Recent Homebuyer
I loved how we got responses within the hour and our loan was done with quality care.
Lindsey R. and Benjamin R.
Recent Homebuyer
My loan officer Latisha Perkins Was incredibly helpful and very positive throughout the entire process. I was always able to reach her the…
Jonathan C.
Recent Homebuyer
Latisha is amazing. She takes ownership of the process and prepared her clients for what's to come so there are little to no surprises.
Henry T.
Recent Homebuyer
Couldn't not be happier with Atlantic Bay. They treated us like family and took care of every question we had during this process. They made our experience extremely easy and stress-free!
Andrew B.