Customer testimonials

See what my clients have experienced through their mortgage journey.

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Excellent and professional. Mr. Scales is a real pleasure to work with.
Stephen C.
Recent Homebuyer
The refinancing went extremely well, very satisfied.
Dennis T.
Recent Homebuyer
We were working with Melvin Scales through this process and he was awesome to work with. He was so helpful and made this process painless for us…
Kenneth G.
Recent Homebuyer
Wonderful service and experience start to finish! Great communication and accommodation all the way!
Erin S.
Recent Homebuyer
Melvin and team did a wonderful job! Thank you so much for assisting me in the mortgage process. :)
Susan H.
Recent Homebuyer
Great leadership and industry knowledge.
Karen Roeser Hankin
Great experience.
Sherry S.
Recent Homebuyer
Couldn't not be happier with Atlantic Bay. They treated us like family and took care of every question we had during this process. They made our experience extremely easy and stress-free!
Andrew B.