Customer testimonials

See what my clients have experienced through their mortgage journey.

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Bettyann was amazing! She was easy to work with, and saved our closing time after a hiccup dealing with a big bank.
Bryan V.
Recent Homebuyer
Bettyann was great to work with. Would highly recommend to others!
Brooke L
Recent Homebuyer
Bettyann and her staff are beyond amazing! They worked harder that anyone ever has to help me make this dream a reality! I will be…
Henry C
Recent Homebuyer
Such a great resource and responsiveness! Can’t wait for the next transaction
Sam L
Recent Homebuyer
BettyAnn was great, always reachable and willing to explain everything and help us through the process.
Joesph F
Recent Homebuyer
Great communication through the whole process.
David R
Recent Homebuyer
Thank you for the personal attention and even telling me when you were going out of town and when to expect replies - very professional.
LeeAnn W
Recent Homebuyer
Thank you for educating and advocating on top of providing excellent technical service!
Matthew S.
Recent Homebuyer