Customer testimonials

See what my clients have experienced through their mortgage journey.

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Cody Fox was absolutely phenomenal! His knowledge, ability to assist, and handled every obstacle at hand all while making sure we as customers…
Jennifer G.
Recent Homebuyer
Cody was amazing. Always available even after hours to answer our questions, which were numerous, or to vent about the process of dealing with…
Glenn Gasperson Jr
Recent Homebuyer
Cody was extremely knowledgeable and proficient during the whole process and we would strongly refer Cody to anyone.
Travis S. and Ericka S.
Recent Homebuyer
Cody Fox was wonderful to deal with from the first meeting until the closing.
Patricia B.
Recent Homebuyer
Cody was phenomenal. He was there step-by-step through the process. I couldn’t have asked for better service.
Robert R.
Recent Homebuyer
Cody Fox was one of the hardest workers I’ve ever dealt with. Definitely recommending him!
Michael K.
Recent Homebuyer
Cody Fox was amazing to work with. I met him over a year ago at an open house I was hosting. He answered questions for us and guided us for over…
Mark T.
Recent Homebuyer
Very helpful and very professional Cody was wonderful to work with would recommend anyone to work with him
Terry H.
Recent Homebuyer