Customer testimonials

See what my clients have experienced through their mortgage journey.

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Corey went above and beyond in answering questions from me and I have never felt more comfortable.
James K.
Recent Homebuyer
Corey Peace was there for us day and night to answer any of our questions and concerns and it was a pleasure working with him.
Erick H.
Recent Homebuyer
Corey Peace went above and beyond by communicating and answering questions. He made the process feel more personal and Atlantic Bay Mortgage…
Nicholas P.
Recent Homebuyer
Corey Peace was very informative throughout the whole process and was very helpful. Kurt and Corey was very competitive with other lenders. My…
David K.
Recent Homebuyer
Corey Peace was very professional at all times! If I had any question he was always available to answer, Super fast process, I really enjoyed…
Rony L.
Recent Homebuyer
Corey was very attentive and informative. Our process was flawless and smooth. Corey was available to us to answer questions, even after normal…
Talisa G.
Recent Homebuyer
Corey was excellent. He was very instrumental in reminding us (this is our 6th house) of what steps were necessary and what we needed to do for…
Kevin C.
Recent Homebuyer
Corey went above and beyond answering all of the questions and concerns that I had. Wonderful experience working with him.
Ann M.
Recent Homebuyer