Customer testimonials

See what my clients have experienced through their mortgage journey.

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Erick was awesome. No questions left unanswered! This was my first time buying a house so it was a little uncomfortable. But Erick explained…
Bryan B.
Recent Homebuyer
Made the process of getting the right mortgage for the first time homebuyer less stressful. Erick and his staff answered all of my questions and…
Christopher R.
Recent Homebuyer
Erick is very professional, motivated and experienced in the way he conducts his business. For this reason we have now used his services…
Jamie D. and Zackary D.
Recent Homebuyer
Erick Hash was exceptional! I so appreciate the speed this transaction was completed - No stress at all.
Agnes S.
Recent Homebuyer
Erick Hash is the best. It’s a nice feeling to know that I can always count on him. He’s a very busy guy but he never acts like I am bugging him…
Brandon B.
Recent Homebuyer
Erick made everything easy. As a first time home buyer, I had no clue what to do. Thanks for all. We are so happy with our home.
Lora H.
Recent Homebuyer
Erick Hash has helped me with a loan on three occasions now. Each time he has been extremely knowledgeable but also honest and straightforward…
Raymond P.
Recent Homebuyer
I’m very glad we have got to work with Atlantic Bay! They were very helpful and tried to help get things done in a timely manner. I would highly…
Margo D.
Recent Homebuyer