Customer testimonials

See what my clients have experienced through their mortgage journey.

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Heather was amazing and easy to work with. She made the buying experience much less stressful.
Damien C.
Recent Homebuyer
Heather is great to work with. Very responsive to questions and with communication!
Sarah S.
Recent Homebuyer
We couldn't be any more satisfied with our home buying experience. Throughout the process, as stressful as it can be, Heather and Ashley were…
George J.
Recent Homebuyer
I wouldn’t change a thing. Heather was terrific and made the process so easy!
Kristin C.
Recent Homebuyer
Heather Raney is personable, fast, knowledgeable and patient in walking her clients through the loan process! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!!!
Christy R.
Recent Homebuyer
Heather was amazing as I was working to get funded from 2500 miles away. She worked hard to help me through the process and her efforts were…
Kerri B.
Recent Homebuyer
Heather did an outstanding job communicating to us. Once we got all of the information to her, the rest was a breeze. Heather kept us updated…
Kimberly H.
Recent Homebuyer
Heather has the knowledge and personality to do this job. We felt assured she was doing this with total integrity and she was very helpful and…
Ramona W.
Recent Homebuyer