Customer testimonials

See what my clients have experienced through their mortgage journey.

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Hugh was AMAZING through the entire process of purchasing a home. He kept me up to date on everything and made the process less stressful for me…
Megan H.
Recent Homebuyer
We are so grateful to everyone at Atlantic Bay. A big thank you to Hugh, he was always so helpful throughout the whole process and treated us…
Samantha H.
Recent Homebuyer
Buying a home for the first time and not being sure of the process can be intimidating. Working with Hugh was a blessing, and I never had to…
Vickie C.
Recent Homebuyer
Hugh Covington was wonderful to work with and made us feel comfortable and informed every step of the way.
Melissa M. and J M.
Recent Homebuyer
I am grateful for every person that was involved in helping my son and I obtain a mortgage for our home. They were very knowledgeable and…
Sharon S.
Recent Homebuyer
Super friendly and were always able to answer any questions I had quickly and efficiently. I loved working with Hugh.
Harley H.
Recent Homebuyer
Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group was excellent to work with. Hugh Covington was our contact and he stayed on top of everything. He was very helpful…
Terra B.
Recent Homebuyer
Hugh was awesome to work with!! Worked fast for all of our needs.. I would highly recommend him.
Nicholas F.
Recent Homebuyer