Customer testimonials

See what my clients have experienced through their mortgage journey.

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Jeff was very patient and knowledgeable. We would highly recommend him to our friends and family for all their mortgage needs.
Steven E. and Jessica E.
Recent Homebuyer
Jeff was knowledgeable and professional.
Sean D. and Andrea D.
Recent Homebuyer
Mr. Evans was very positive about my outcome, and encouraged me along the process. He was right, and now I am a homeowner. I felt that he had my…
Victoria A.
Recent Homebuyer
Very quick to answer any questions. Willing to explain the process very clearly. We worked with Jeff Evans. He is great to work with. Responds…
Larry J.
Recent Homebuyer
Jeff Evans has handles multiple home purchases and refinances for us. Awesome individual and awesome mortgage guy.
James B.
Recent Homebuyer
Jeff made this refi easy.
Henry S.
Recent Homebuyer
I have done business with Jeff Evans several times and always the best experience! I don't believe I could do better! He always does what he…
Julia B.
Recent Homebuyer
Very Friendly and professional.
William P.
Recent Homebuyer