Customer testimonials

See what my clients have experienced through their mortgage journey.

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Meghan was great! Very professional and helpful. Being able to call her with questions and get her--not a dial by number system--was one of the…
Jennifer N.
Recent Homebuyer
Meghan Taylor was phenomenal to work with in the purchase of our new home. She worked tirelessly at making sure everything was in order and on…
Daniel P.
Recent Homebuyer
VERY EASY PROCESS!!!!! Meghan is super knowledgeable and we had a tremendous experience working with her!
Travis L.
Recent Homebuyer
You are a very knowledgeable mortgage banker. You know your stuff and made things work effortlessly! I have recommended you personally and will…
Traci W.
Recent Homebuyer
Meghan Taylor made our loan process so easy and streamlined. Any questions we had she was readily available and answered with expertise. I would…
Linda H.
Recent Homebuyer
Megan was phenomenal and will will be sending everyone we know to Atlantic Bay!!!
Erica T.
Recent Homebuyer
The experience with Atlantic Bay was phenomenal. They were on top of everything and made the refinancing easy as possible. I would like to thank…
William B.
Recent Homebuyer
Meghan Taylor is the best lender I have ever used. I am a realtor and refer all my clients to her and do all of my personal deals through her.
Nicholas Y.
Recent Homebuyer