Customer testimonials

See what my clients have experienced through their mortgage journey.

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Mike was outstanding. He was very helpful, informative, knowledgeable and very professional. He returned phone calls and texts promptly with…
Christopher L.
Recent Homebuyer
Mike Anderson was amazing to work with. I felt totally at ease and he answered all my questions.
Lauren H.
Recent Homebuyer
Mike was AMAZING, very thorough, and willing to help even in the middle of signing closing papers. He had some help from his team, which seemed…
Leslie R.
Recent Homebuyer
Mike was extraordinary with this entire process. I can't think of anything else he could have done better. He was accommodating, flexible and…
Clinton W.
Recent Homebuyer
Mike Anderson is probably the best loan officer I’ve ever dealt with. From beginning to end he kept me in the loop and was extremely…
Christopher B.
Recent Homebuyer
Mike did an excellent job. He put up with all my questions and requests for information and different scenarios. He was pleasant, responsive and…
Ryan D.
Recent Homebuyer
We had a great experience working with Mike Anderson.He was prompt with information and was always available if there were questions.Mike made…
Ellis C.
Recent Homebuyer
Outstanding and diligent mortgage banker. Very resourceful, committed and hardworking.
Alisia M.