Customer testimonials

See what my clients have experienced through their mortgage journey.

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Michael Startare was great. He was professional yet personable. He was efficient and effective. Michael actually took his time to make sure we…
Valerie L. and Jerome L.
Recent Homebuyer
It was a pleasure for us to work with Michael. Michael was very knowledgeable and very professional. God blessed us to find Michael. He is a…
Tamikia O. and Dwayne O.
Recent Homebuyer
I wrote a comment on your page. Michael was awesome. The best and most thorough loan person I have ever worked with. Thank you
Larry W.
Recent Homebuyer
Mike Startare patiently worked with us over the course of a year as we sought the right home and sealed the deal. Mike promptly and thoroughly…
Raymond M. and Rebecca M.
Recent Homebuyer
I would like to thank you for everything. You made the home buying process rather painless. Keep up the good work! I shall return when I'm ready…
Donald T. and Cindy T.
Recent Homebuyer
Mike Startare is one of the greatest loan officers. He is extremely sharp, listens attentively to his clients, explores all options, and…
Charles C.
Recent Homebuyer
Mike was awesome with taking care of the entire loan processing. I know how busy he was, but still managed to make things happen. Yvonne was…
Ginger P.
Recent Homebuyer
Mike Startare and his team were fantastic. Very professional, excellent with communication and on the ball with every aspect of our refi. We…
Philip S.
Recent Homebuyer