Customer testimonials

See what my clients have experienced through their mortgage journey.

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Shain was very helpful and had my best interest at heart.
Roger G.
Recent Homebuyer
Shain was awesome and answered any questions that I had. She definitely made my experience easy and comprehensive.
Corey B.
Recent Homebuyer
You helped make our dream of owning a home come true. I feel like you built a great working relationship with us with honesty an integrity . We…
Ramsey B.
Recent Homebuyer
Shain Davis was wonderful working with us and helpful and patient buying our retirement home and from another state took a lot bouncing back and…
David M.
Recent Homebuyer
Atlantic Bay is absolutely fantastic, especially Shain Davis who never made me feel like a client or a customer. In fact I truly believe that in…
Lloyd H.
Recent Homebuyer
I had a great experience with Atlantic Bay and Shain Davis. She was very caring and kept me up to date through the whole process. I would…
Richard W.
Recent Homebuyer
Very easy process. Great communication. Shain was fantastic! Could not have asked for a better experience!
Sterling C.
Recent Homebuyer
So easy to work with, and Shain answered all our questions so quickly. We felt at ease and involved in the whole process.
Brooklyn F.
Recent Homebuyer