Customer testimonials

See what my clients have experienced through their mortgage journey.

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Tom was very knowledgeable and helpful with this process. He even answered questions after the process was over.
Delmer O. and Christina O.
Recent Homebuyer
We are aged and you have been so kind and patient! You've done a fantastic job! We definitely would ask for your service again!! Evelyn said you…
Carolyn C. and Clyde C.
Recent Homebuyer
I would recommend this Mortgage group to anyone. Tom Kulis was excellent at his job! I would not hesitate at a chance to work with him again.
Gloria H.
Recent Homebuyer
The entire mortgage experience at Atlantic Bay was efficient and easy. Tom and Melissa were very easy to work with. They addressed all of our…
Michael F. and Chelsea F.
Recent Homebuyer
Tom was excellent. Great customer service. I was impressed when he had remembered my mother had been hospitalized when I was working with him…
Lisa J. and David M.
Recent Homebuyer
This was one of the easiest business transactions I have ever done. My previous home mortgage, I was on the phone with the agent every other day…
Richard R.
Recent Homebuyer
Tom was excellent to work with. He was always available to answer the many questions we had when navigating through the refinance process.
Nicole G.
Recent Homebuyer
This is my 3rd mortgage with Tom and he is always my go to person with any questions. I recommend him to anyone wanting to finance a house.
Benjamin K.
Recent Homebuyer