Customer testimonials

See what my clients have experienced through their mortgage journey.

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Ann Arnesen was heaven sent. She was great at answering all my questions as well as always made herself readily available. She made me feel…
Juan J.
Recent Homebuyer
Ann and her team at Atlantic Bay stayed in close touch with Charlie's team and held steady until the matter was resolved. Sincerely, thank you…
John F. and Elizabeth F.
Recent Homebuyer
Our experience was exceptional. The ABMG team made the home buying process very straight forward, manageable and efficient. I would recommend…
Charles R. and Elizabeth H.
Recent Homebuyer
Ann was beyond professional. She handled every part of the process with poise. I felt comfortable dealing with her from the first conversation…
Jeffrey B.
Recent Homebuyer
We've never had better customer service. Ann is extremely professional, efficient, and knowledgeable. We would recommend this company for anyone…
Charles B.
Recent Homebuyer
This was by far, the most seamless mortgage application process I have every experienced. The portal used to load documents was user friendly…
Pamela V.
Recent Homebuyer
Ann Arnesen was awesome! Super helpful with explaining everything throughout the entire process and very on the ball. Made this whole process…
Zachary A.
Recent Homebuyer
Ann Arnesen & her team were absolutely amazing to work with. They were very communicative and thoroughly explained any questions I had about my…
Shannon A.