Customer testimonials

See what my clients have experienced through their mortgage journey.

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Devorah Shaw is the absolute most proficient, efficient, and caring mortgage banker I have ever worked with. I will always recommend her!
Kezia G.
Recent Homebuyer
Devorah is the standard everyone should aspire to and I can't say enough good about her willingness to help. She is very knowledgeable and…
Frank D.
Recent Homebuyer
Devorah was an absolute dream to work with and I have never worked with such a compassionate and genuine mortgage banker.
Margaret F.
Recent Homebuyer
Ms. Shaw was pleasant, personable, and very professional. She kept us informed throughout the process and everything at closing was flawless due…
Harry L. and Mary L.
Recent Homebuyer
Devorah was amazing and has been amazing throughout all of my transactions. She is very responsive and helps you think through a lot of…
Carson M.
Recent Homebuyer
Devorah Shaw and her team made this whole process very easy and the stress level was very low. I would highly recommend Atlantic Bay to family…
Darrell R.
Recent Homebuyer
Devorah was very prompt and made the refinance process simple
Michael J.
Recent Homebuyer
Devorah was very helpful and took time to educate me for a while on the phone. Our closing was on time and no surprises. Great experience!
Laura G.
Recent Homebuyer