Customer testimonials

See what my clients have experienced through their mortgage journey.

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Joe was very detailed in explaining the refinance process to us. He always had time for our questions, and did an excellent job handling the…
Donald N. and Megan H.
Recent Homebuyer
Buying a home is a difficult and sometimes frustrating process. Joe was there every step of the way to answer our questions and help us through…
Cory L. and Rachel A.
Recent Homebuyer
Joe was great! I am unable to drive, so Joe went out of his way to make sure I got to work and gave me a ride after a meeting with him.
Steven B.
Recent Homebuyer
We have used your company and Joe twice the last several years. A completely enjoyable and professional experience. I will recommend everyone to…
Arthur E.
Recent Homebuyer
Joe went above and beyond to ensure our loan came through in time. He also found solutions where bigger banks (USAA) fell through.
Robert F.
Recent Homebuyer
This is the second time we've worked with Joe, and will certainly return to him in the future. The online application & automated document…
Brian S.
Recent Homebuyer
Joe and the entire group were extremely professional and easy to work with going above and beyond to ensure all paperwork was completed and…
Whitney M.
Recent Homebuyer
I will never finance another deal without Joe Cundiff. He has been informative, courteous, and has gone well above and beyond his call in…
Michael P.
Recent Homebuyer