Customer testimonials

See what my clients have experienced through their mortgage journey.

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As a first time buyer with challenging credit, I knew we needed some hand holding throughout this process. Suzanne was there every step of the…
Missy F.
Suzanne was with us every step of the way very helpful! I highly recommend her to anybody she treated us like family!! I would definitely…
Dione & Drew F.
Suzanne and her team provided the best service from beginning to end. We were made to feel comfortable and were given personalized care…
Antoine & Lynnette
I have done multiple loans with Atlantic Bay. Always great service!
Kristin D.
Recent Homebuyer
The Atlantic Bay team was awesome to work with. They did my closing in record time and were very diligent and thorough throughout the process.
Ryan W.
Recent Homebuyer
Absolutely awesome experience. Great communication from the entire team. Even being across the country and having to conduct all of our business remotely, the process was remarkably smooth. Thank you!
Richard R.
Recent Homebuyer
Atlantic Bay is amazing! They really help you understand the mortgage process and answer any questions you have! I highly recommend them for their professionalism and integrity!
Casey L.
Couldn't not be happier with Atlantic Bay. They treated us like family and took care of every question we had during this process. They made our experience extremely easy and stress-free!
Andrew B.